tungsten features in excellent machinability, high melting point, and low expansion coefficient. it has gradually replaced stainless steel and has been widely used in electrosurgical instruments. the most common one is the micro dissection needle electrodes. as a heat-resistant material, tungsten can maintain the tip sharpness, then the ultra-sharp tips of the micro dissection electrodes facilitate cleaning and precise cutting of tissue.
after technical improvement, honglu can accurately control the sizes and surface finish of the tungsten pin tip, which solves the industrys difficulties, such as the breakage and tissue adhesion.
table 1 the sizes and tolerances of tungsten pin
picture 1 comparison with other tungsten pins – surface finish
honglu pin ra 0.135
imported pin ra 0.399
other domestic pin ra 0.801
picture 2 comparison with other tungsten pins – radius of tip
honglu pin 6μm
imported pin 44μm
other domestic pin 41μm